Port Moody Youth Symphony Orchestra
"Don't think everyone gets a chance! Please keep in mind that the opportunities are only available to those who seek and desire누구나 기회를 갖는 것이 아닌, 기회는 간절히 원하는 사람만이 가질 수 있습니다"
★Five Special Prizes :
1. Yonah Martin(Grand Prize) - Senator Award (상원의원 표창장)
(Opportunity to perform with PMYSO)
2.Bonita Zerrillo - MP for Port Moody Award (포트무디 시의원 표창장)
3. Anne Kang - MLA Burnaby Award (버나비 국회의원 표창장)
4. Hyeajung Park - PMYSO Artistic Director Award (예술감독 표창장)
5. Best Music Teacher Award (음악 선생님 표창장)
※ All Winners will be invited to Winners' Recital
1. Age :
All ages Available
2. Application deadline :
- Live Applicants : Saturday, 30 Sep, 2023 (Performance date : 25 - 30 Oct, 2023 - To be anouced after application deadline is over)
- YouTube Applicants : Saturday, 7 Oct, 2023
3. Requirement :
- Solo Instruments : one piece or one movement of a multi-movement work (such as a sonata, concerto) will be considered one work.
- Except for unaccompanied pieces, all pieces must be accompanied by pianist
#Note : All performers are required to memorize the score for performance - Music NOT Acceptable.
4. Payable to E-Transfer and PayPal for International Applicants :
- pmysosociety@gmail.com
5. Application available with QR Code or google link this below :
- Application link : https://forms.gle/fU1w23727StunCNP8
Please feel free to contact us if you have any concerns of questions
Contact Us : pmysosociety@gamil.com / 604-209-0569